Join us for a decadent weekend immersion into your authentic erotic self – in a warm, welcoming group experience! February 14-16 in Kingston NY
Enroll Now for early bird tickets!
Together, we’ll explore:
- Tuning into your felt sense & inner knowing
- Activating your imagination & following your curiosity
- Getting specific about your Needs, Wants & Desires
- Expressing your erotic agency, in your own way
- Giving & Receiving exquisite touch
A clothes on, hands-on experience for individuals in a collective group experience.
No required pairing / partnered exercises – solo, small group and communal practices with many options for participation!
Cocktail party on Friday, Light breakfast & decadent afternoon lunch feast on Saturday & Sunday brunch provided!
Enroll Now for early bird tickets!
Valentine’s Day can be an epic celebration of love, romance, eroticism and intimacy. Or it can be the pinnacle of disappointment and alienation. Much depends on how we look at it, what we choose to honor and how we choose to celebrate.
On this page you’ll find resources to celebrate the full range of love, romance, intimacy, eroticism and thrill that this holiday can hold. You’ll find interactive experiences, podcasts to tune into, conversation starters and deep dives into some our favorite online courses.
We love you. Thanks for being here with us, in our year round exploration of pleasure, joy and connection. Join our free online course, The Erotic Essentials, and become part of our global community of over 16,500 Pleasure Seekers!
For Couples Ready To Connect & Deepen Their Love
- Enroll: Erotic Touch Online Courses: Full Body Erotic Massage, Foreplay & Mindful Sex
- Listen: How To Be More Romantic & more episodes on romance and long term relationships
For Everyone Ready To Feel More Pleasure & Joy
- Explore: Think about your Pleasure Constellations and what joy you want to pay more attention to in the coming year, then buy yourself a small gift to anchor that intention.
- Gift: Get yourself a new toy and fresh bottle of lube or massage oil from our friends at SheVibe
- Talk: Here are over 50 great questions to get the conversation started or to explore through journaling!
- Listen:
For When You Are Ready For The Thrills Of Kink
- Dive In: Your Next Erotic Adventure : Take your first steps into the thrills of kink, with our online course featuring 25 guided date nights
2500 Years Of VDAY: From Lupercalia to Galentine’s Day & Beyond!
More On The History Of Valentine’s Day, St. Valentine and The Festival of Lupercalia
- Rome & The Origins of the Roman Festival Lupercalia
- Why Does the Heart Shape Symbolize Love?
- The Dark Origins Of Valentine’s Day
- Valentine’s Day: A History of Naked Romans, Paganism and Whips!
- The Rude, Cruel, and Insulting ‘Vinegar Valentines’ of the Victorian Era
- Nothing Says ‘I Hate You’ Like a ‘Vinegar Valentine’
- Some Top Tips for Valentine’s Day … from Medieval Lovers
- Valentine’s Day in the Victorian Era – 5-Minute History
Resources For Modern Interpretations and Reclamations of Valentine’s Day
How do YOU want to celebrate this mid-February festival time?
What aspects of love, pleasure or eroticism are you ready to devote yourself to right now?
Explore with us all year round by enrolling in our free online course, The Erotic Essentials!

* please note some links on this page are affiliate links, and if you choose to make a purchase we will receive a small percentage as thanks for the referral. We only link to resources we know, trust and love!