Relational Self-Awareness is a framework that helps us understand who we are as individuals in relationship to others and within culture and society. Relational Self-Awareness invites us into self-compassion, self-love and self-knowing through careful examination of ourselves and our relational patterns.
Alexandra Solomon, Ph.D. is a pioneer in the field of relational self-awareness, and is now bringing her 20+ years of experience as a therapist, professor and popular author into a self-paced online course Intimate Relationships 101. This course offers you hours of powerful lessons, interactive worksheets and guided conversations so you can develop your relational self-awareness skills, from the privacy of your own home.

We are currently enrolled as students in this course and, even after our 14 years as love geeks and explorers, are learning so much and having game-changing conversations prompted by Dr. Solomon’s loving wisdom and poignant guidance.
This course is for all of us – single folks, lovers, folks just getting out of a relationship or dating again after a long time. Join the course here with our exclusive discount, and then be in touch and let us know what you discover.
Chris and Charlotte, February 2021