This is a document outlining our erotic lineage and the core conversations that influence our work.
It is a work in progress and not meant as an exhaustive list of all the people we have learned from, worked with, exchanged ideas with and otherwise met in conversation over our many years in this field.
Core Lineage
We have been blessed to work directly and learn from these incredible mentors. We give thanks for their trust in us as students and for all the teachings we received.
Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D.
Joseph Kramer, Ph.D.
- Our interview with Joseph Kramer Part 1 and Part 2
Chester Mainard
Jack Morin
Core Conversations
We are in conversation with a global network of brilliant thinkers in the field of sexuality, mindfulness, relational wellness, somatics and other fields we draw from.
Audre Lorde
Emily Nagoski
- Our Emily Nagoski Interviews: Science of Sex Part 1 and 2; Burnout Interview
Esther Perel
Barbara Carrellas
more to come! we are blessed with so many wonderful collaborators and influences. please be patient with us as we build out our list of acknowledgments.