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How much attention do you bring to your masturbation? How much creativity do you allow yourself in the time you spend with solo touch?
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In this episode we explore Mindful Masturbation – or as our mentor Annie Sprinkle calls it “medibation!” What happens when we treat masturbation as an important experience to pay more attention to – and perhaps even treat it as a meditation practice?
What happens when we bring the qualities of non-judgment and non-striving to masturbation, instead of rushing our way to orgasm?
This episodes pays homage to International Masturbation Month, created by the good folks at Good Vibrations over 20 years ago, and opens our theme for the month, Mindful Sex May.
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Podcast Transcription for Mindful Masturbation Episode
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Chris Rose: 00:00 Hi, welcome to Speaking of Sex with the Pleasure Mechanics. I’m Chris.
Charlotte Rose: 00:04 I’m Charlotte.
Chris Rose: 00:05 We are the Pleasure Mechanics, and on this podcast, we have explicit and soulful conversations about every facet of human sexuality. Come on over to PleasureMechanics.com, where you will find our complete podcast archive, as well as a tremendous wealth of resources just waiting for you to enjoy. Go to PleasureMechanics.com/Free, and enroll for our free online course to get started. That’s PleasueMechanics.com/Free.
Chris Rose: 00:38 All right. On today’s show, we are kicking off a new theme for the month of May. The month of May is traditionally International Masturbation Month. International Masturbation Month was started like, over 20 years ago by the good folks at Good Vibrations, and if today you’re kind of rolling your eyes, that why do we need a masturbation month, it kind of shows how much sex culture has changed over the past 20 years, because Good Vibrations started masturbation month and the masturbatathon as a promotion for the idea of masturbation, to de-stigmatize masturbation as a reason to talk about masturbation in the press. Because back then, there weren’t news articles about masturbation and normalizing, especially female masturbation, and things like vibrators. Good Vibrations, 20 years ago, was on the cutting edge of changing sex culture, and opening up the dialogue about masturbation.
Chris Rose: 01:44 And now, you can find vibrators in Walmart, and drug stores, and you can find lubricant at these places, and the conversation about masturbation is changed. So, thank you to Good Vibrations, and it just shows the power of dialogue and conversation in changing sex culture, and in changing how we feel about these acts like masturbation.
Chris Rose: 02:17 For us here at Pleasure Mechanics, we really want to celebrate May as Mindful Sex May. We want to spend this month highlighting some of the applications of mindful sex, some of the benefits of mindful sex, and invite you in to the practice of mindful sex with us. Because as much as we can talk about this, and you can listen about it, what really will start to change things in your life is practice, and we are going to share with you what we mean by practice and mindful sex practices. But we really want you to do it with us, we want these skills to develop in your body, in your life, and to do that, you need to practice with us, and we are very much in this practice with you.
Chris Rose: 03:06 So, Masturbation May and Mindful Sex May are coming together in this episode, and we’re going to talk about mindful masturbation. Yes?
Charlotte Rose: 03:19 Yes. So, what does mindful masturbation mean? What are we talking about? This is the act of paying attention to the sensations in our body as we are getting aroused, as we are naked, as we are touching our body, we are really paying full attention to the experience and the sensations within our body.
Chris Rose: 03:41 And when you hear that, paying attention as you build arousal during masturbation, take a moment to think about how much you actually do that. Where are you placing your attention during masturbation? How are you treating masturbation? Are you rushing through it? Is it a functional act? Is it just to set to a goal of an orgasm, a release and ejaculation, or is it an experience you are really giving to yourself and paying attention to?
Chris Rose: 04:10 And all of a sudden, when we look at it through this lens, we notice that we are not giving ourselves the kind of experience that we are capable of. We are not being the lover that we can be for ourselves, and we’re all in this. When we talk about mindful sex, when we talk about mindful masturbation, these are practices that we can all bring to our sex life in order to explore, and experience and experiment.
Charlotte Rose: 04:40 And expand our orgasms and the strength of them.
Chris Rose: 04:44 Explore, experience, experiment.
Charlotte Rose: 04:47 Expand.
Chris Rose: 04:48 Expand.
Charlotte Rose: 04:48 Because that is a side effect, as well as experiencing it more fully, that many people will experience stronger orgasms, as well, which is a fun side effect, though that isn’t entirely why we’re going for it.
Chris Rose: 05:02 So, I just want to say if this feels really far away from your experience, that is where most of us are at. We are not taught to pay attention to our sexuality. We are not taught to pay attention to our arousal, and to really drop in to our sensations, and savor all of those sensations, and focus exclusively on arousal building into our body to the point of orgasm and release. We’re not taught how to do that, so we have to learn and we have to practice together. And when we think about mindfulness, so Charlotte named the act of paying attention. So, paying attention. The other piece of mindfulness is paying attention without judgment.
Chris Rose: 05:45 So, paying attention, but then paying attention without judgment is the real invitation here, and we all carry so much judgment about our sexualities, about how we masturbate, about what we think about when we masturbate, about how little or how much sensation we’re feeling, about our orgasms. All of these things, right. So much judgment, so much shame, and so mindful masturbation is not only the invitation to pay more exquisite attention to your sensations, it’s also the invitation to pay attention to your thoughts, to your judgements, and to try to come to a more neutral place so that you open up all of that space to pay attention to the pleasure, to give yourself permission to feel more pleasure, and relaxation and release from your self touch.
Chris Rose: 06:39 So, the practice of mindful sex is the practice of paying attention without judgment during states of high arousal. So, this is in application of mindfulness mediation, which invites you to pay attention without judgment while doing a sitting meditation, or a walking meditation, or a body scan. How do we apply those skills to the heightened states of arousal, of desire, of sexual connection, of the vulnerability of being intimate with other people? So, this is kind of an arena we get to practice our mindfulness, and reap the befits of mindfulness, but also then expand our erotic experience.
Chris Rose: 07:24 And in the whole category of mindful sex, mindful masturbation, for a lot of people, is a good place to start. And so, we’re going to invite you in to some of the practices of mindful masturbation, paint the picture of what that might look like, and invite you just to experiment a little, get curious a little about what might happen for you if you change up how you masturbate.
Charlotte Rose: 07:49 And as you were saying, it makes so much sense to practice all of these skills solo, because you can pay attention to your own experience, you can pay attention to all the nuances that are going on in your mind, that are going on in your body, and try and tame your thoughts, and be present to the experiences in your body, and practice, and deepen in feeling, and being kind to yourself, and not being judgemental, and not stopping your pleasure because of the thoughts that are going on. It is just the most wonderful place to begin and practice these skills.
Chris Rose: 08:30 Well, certainly there are fewer distractions when you’re solo. It’s a smaller arena. It’s a one person arena, instead of a two or three, or more person arena. And so, there’s less to pay attention to, but it’s not simple. And for a lot of people, one of the reasons we speed through masturbation, and we make it so functional, is so we don’t have to be alone with ourselves. And so, we don’t have to confront our thoughts, so we don’t have to confront our own judgements. A lot of people short circuit themselves with porn, or erotica, or fantasy to get through it as fast as possible.
Chris Rose: 09:11 And so, you’re painting this picture of this wonderful laboratory where we get to savor and experiment with our arousal. But for many people, that feels really far away, or inaccessible. So, what are the first steps here? The first steps are to really inventory how you masturbate now. What is the level of attention and intention you’re bringing to your masturbation? And again, for most of us, if we’re honest about this, it is purely functional.
Chris Rose: 09:41 We reach for our vibrator, we reach for our favorite lube, we jerk off, we wack off, we clench a vibrator to our clit, and we cum. That is just the truth of it. Most people do not make an art out of masturbation, because they have not been invited to do so, they have not been given permission to do so, and when we slow this process down, we have to then confront all of the stuff that is in our way of savoring our self touch, and treating ourselves like the lover we know we deserve.
Chris Rose: 10:15 Right? And so, as you do an honest compassionate inventory of your current masturbation practices, start to notice where you learned how to masturbate. Did you learn how to masturbate under duress? Were you always rushing, were you always quiet? Were you worried or scared about getting caught? What would the repercussions be if you were caught in your masturbation? And know that, that is your programming around masturbation. You have been taught a specific set of things about masturbation, and you might be listening to this and never even masturbate. I hear all the time from people, or from partners of people who don’t masturbate. That is a practice, right, the absence of masturbation is also a practice.
Chris Rose: 11:02 So, notice for yourself how frequently, how much time do you give yourself, how much permission to play. Do you always do the same thing? Okay, and so, for most of us when we do that inventory, it’s kind of like, oh shit, we’re a lousy lover to ourselves. We are. We don’t give ourselves the kind of like, loving attention and time we would give to a new beloved. Right? That spaciousness, and the like, I’ll do anything for you, and how do you want to be please. Oh, you want your neck licked for 10 minutes, I’ll lick that neck like a lollipop. That attitude that we bring to a beloved of generosity and of giving, what piece of that can we bring to ourselves?
Chris Rose: 11:53 And so, mindful masturbation starts by treating masturbation as something that is worth taking the time for, and then setting some sort of intention. And this doesn’t have to get super woo-woo, right. The intention can just be like, every so often as I’m watching porn, I’m going to close my eyes, and focus on the sensations inside for a few minutes. Just every once in a while, I’m going to close my eyes, and focus elsewhere. And that is honoring the fact that your attention is mostly focused on the visual field of watching porn, and you’re going to experiment with dropping into your body and noticing how your hand feels on your penis, noticing how your pelvic muscles are feeling, noticing where your breath is. So, taking that focus of attention, and dropping it within. It can start that simply.
Charlotte Rose: 12:46 Dr. Laurie Mintz talks about mindfulness as the experience of your head and your body being in the same place, and I really love that because it’s so simple, and we have that visual of, oh, right, yeah, sometimes my mind is off all over the place, or as you’re saying, I’m paying attention to the visual of something on a screen, or words if you’re listening to erotica.
Chris Rose: 13:11 Well, this is where it gets interesting, because some people would say that if you’re watching porn or listening to erotica, or even fantasizing, you’re not practicing mindful sex. Some people would say fantasy is taking you out of your body. But for me, fantasy, like your brain is part of your body, and arousal that starts in your brain, there’s a very sexy word for it, psychogenic arousal. Fuck yeah. Psychogenic arousal creates very real arousal in the body. So, for me, if you’re masturbating, and you’re fantasizing, or you’re watching porn, you are using specific tools to create arousal, and it becomes mindful masturbation when you are doing that on purpose.
Charlotte Rose: 13:57 And with your full self.
Chris Rose: 13:59 Yeah, and you’re not just on autopilot.
Charlotte Rose: 14:01 Yeah.
Chris Rose: 14:01 And so, you’re saying, all right, I’m going to use the visual porn, but I’m also going to pay attention to how my body feels, and I’m going to notice how much I’m paying attention to the screen versus my body, and then maybe over time that field of attention starts to drift, because you noticed that paying attention to your body feels really good.
Chris Rose: 14:21 One of the skills, one of the practices we really want to invite you into is breathing, and mindful sex, the mindful sex course is where all of our erotic breathwork practices are hosted. And I’ve said so many times on this podcast, and I really want you to try it for yourself, the next time you are masturbating, start a deep relaxed breathwork. We teach you how to do that, we guide you through it. There’s audio guide, so you can practice it a few times, so that then when you’re masturbating, you can try it, and this is one of those things like, if I had a farm to bet, I would bet the farm on the premise that if you start taking deep relaxed breaths next time you masturbate, your experience will change.
Chris Rose: 15:11 And it will change for the more pleasurable. So much will change. I could go on right now about all of the things that will change, but just do it. Just do it. Notice what happens when next time you’re masturbating, you put your attention on taking deep relaxing breaths. Get as much oxygen in your body, and then pay attention to what happens to your arousal. What happens? What is your body capable of feeling? And this is the invitation we can just step into over and over again.
Chris Rose: 15:43 I was masturbating the other day, and I had like, all of this tension in my body. I was feeling really stressed out. And I got to the point where I was like, at this place, like I had already had an orgasm, but my sensation was just so big, and it felt stuck, and I felt like I couldn’t possibly go on, but I couldn’t possibly stop now, and so I heard my own voice in my head, and I was like, just breathe, baby, and I went into this big deep breathwork, and I not only got to have like, thunderous wonderful orgasms, but the space that it created for me was such a relief to all of that tension. And it just felt like the most cathartic orgasms of my … like, it just felt so right, and I got there because I focused my attention instead of in my head, in the like, oh my god, what am I feeling, how am I ever going to get out of this stuckness? This is scary. That anxiety that can come with arousal that is so familiar to so many of us. You’re aroused, you’re getting excited, and then anxiety kicks in. Fear. Worry. Panic. It’s right there. And what brings us back to excitement and arousal, is often the breath.
Chris Rose: 17:02 So, learn this with us. Practice this with us. And masturbation is the perfect place to start breathing and experimenting with that, and collecting data for yourself, so that next time with your partner, and anxiety kicks in, you’re like, oh, I know what to do. I have a tool. I have a strategy.
Chris Rose: 17:21 So, so much of this, when we talk about mindful masturbation, we can get into this like, use it as a laboratory so you can have better partnered sex, and that is true. But it is also just for you, and in and of itself is a full experience that doesn’t need to be justified.
Chris Rose: 17:40 And again, if I had another farm to bet, I would bet that farm on the premise that if you start masturbating with more attention and focus on giving yourself pleasure and joy, that your life will be nourished by that practice, that it will feel beneficial to the rest of your life, that those will be minutes well spent. There’s only one way to prove me wrong.
Charlotte Rose: 18:06 Part of what you can be paying attention to during mindful masturbation is really paying attention to the sensations, and not being concerned or striving for orgasm. Let it be a place where you’re not that concerned if you get there or not, but you’re really, really, honestly exploring the sensations as the arousal, ebbs and flows. As you try different techniques to create arousal, as you explore and experiment with different moves as it were than you would normally do, so that this can be a time and a space where you’re not trying to head straight for orgasm and doing what you know works for you, but you’re really playing and being curious about what new sensations you can physically create with your body, as well as what you are paying attention to internally. Does that make sense? That externally, you’re trying different things physically, and then you’re also internally paying attention to that really deeply with a spirit of curiosity, not worrying where it goes.
Chris Rose: 19:10 Right, and to highlight this, if we’re really goal oriented towards orgasm, we all have those strokes in those places that will get us there fastest. You know those strokes, you know those places. Your love might know those strokes and those places, and we can use those strokes and those places. We do not give up that knowledge when we open up a space to say I’m going to see what happens when I touch here, when I pinch here, when I push there. You can explore your genitals with, as Charlotte said, a spirit of curiosity, and discover new strokes and new places that also feel good, that unlock different kinds of sensations.
Chris Rose: 19:55 And it’s kind of amazing how much time we can spend touching our own genitals, but how limiting those routines can be. And so, one of the invitations of mindful sex is when we give up that goal orientation, and instead explore with this non-striving attitude, what knowledge, what wisdom becomes accessible to us?
Charlotte Rose: 20:21 I’m thinking of it as instead of taking the highway, you’re taking all of the side routes, and you’re exploring and checking it out, and looking at the view, and you know it’s going slower, and that’s fine, that’s part of that experience for the day.
Chris Rose: 20:34 You can turn off the GPS that will get you to the orgasm as fast as you can. The destination is turned off. What then becomes of the journey?
Charlotte Rose: 20:45 I think it’s a solid, solid, solid way to-
Chris Rose: 20:47 Solid metaphor.
Charlotte Rose: 20:54 So, we’re going to talk more about different attitudes we can hold in our mind as we are exploring masturbation and sex in another episode. But for now, it’s more than enough to start thinking about not judging ourselves, not striving, and trying to explore one’s body with what they call a beginners mind.
Chris Rose: 21:18 And that beginners mind, as a concept, is so powerful, but here in masturbation, let’s play with it and think about the joy and glee children have when they first discover masturbation, the kind of wonder and awe of being able to give yourself such pleasure. If we let go of all of the societal shaming and judgment about masturbation, and all of those messages, and we just get to this core truth of there are these ways I can stimulate my body that gives me tremendous pleasure and can lead to a really phenomenal experience called orgasm. Huh, that’s really cool. Like, what else can we do with our bodies? That’s a really neat super power we have. Let’s use it, and let’s use it with this spirit of glee.
Chris Rose: 22:15 When’s the last time you masturbated with a spirit of glee, and joy and wonder? So, trying bringing a little of that into your masturbation. And again, just notice, notice what happens when you change your attitude, and you change your intention. I’m going to spend 15 minutes just exploring how I can give my body pleasure. What then? It’s a different way of spending time with yourself than just rushing to give yourself a functional orgasm.
Charlotte Rose: 22:46 Which has merit, again, we will say. It is always a great thing to explore your pleasure, but this is a different thing, and worth doing, and worth giving yourself the chance to see what it’s like.
Chris Rose: 22:58 So, Charlotte, I want to kick this over to you, and I want to hear a little bit about your mindful masturbation practice, because I think part of what you do is you start before you ever get to your genitals, and you have kind of a whole ritual routine. Can you just walk people through that, and talk about why you do each part of it?
Charlotte Rose: 23:22 Sure. I normally start with a warm shower, and then-
Chris Rose: 23:27 Why?
Charlotte Rose: 23:27 Because it calms my body down. It tells me this is time to relax. That is a main tool I use for relaxation and for endings and beginnings, like you’ve completed the day, or now we’re moving into time that’s just for you.
Chris Rose: 23:43 Okay.
Charlotte Rose: 23:44 So, it’s an opening, it’s the beginning. I like to also have a clean body for any kind of sex stuff, because it takes a certain amount of my own anxiety away, so that’s a way of navigating things that distract me. I then massage my whole body, or as much of it as I feel like, because that helps my body relax, and calm, and brings all my attention into my muscles.
Chris Rose: 24:09 And at that point, are you putting on music, are you lighting candles? Do you do anything situationally?
Charlotte Rose: 24:15 I can do all of those things, and I can do none of them.
Chris Rose: 24:17 Okay.
Charlotte Rose: 24:18 It depends how much time I have, how much energy, what the space is like. I love to do all of that. The candles, the essential oils, the music. But getting the right music is always so mood dependent, so I definitely do, and sometimes if I’m just like, let’s get on with this, I can do it all without that.
Chris Rose: 24:36 Okay.
Charlotte Rose: 24:37 So, it depends how luxurious the event is. And then, I will dance. Sometimes I’ll reverse those two, and dance, and then massage myself. But I just will do some dancing, and there’s a lot of like, hip circles and thrusting, and just moving my body, and getting fluid in my bones and my muscles. It just feels good to me. It feels like I’m waking up my body, I am remember it’s there. I’m bringing attention to it. And then, I’ll move in to self touch that is all of my skin, my body before I get to breasts or genitals.
Charlotte Rose: 25:17 It’s about waking up everything, waking up the sensation, waking up the awareness, paying attention to the skin. The sensations, I just, I love it. And then, moving into genital touch, and breath, and clenching, and going through this whole process. It doesn’t actually have to take that much time. It might sound quite elaborate, and it can take ages, or it can be sort of more functional, and take less time. But I do really, really, really notice the difference in the amount of sensation I feel in my body. There are a few times where I’ve tried watching porn, or watching any kind of visual stuff, and it does feel like a short circuit for me, like I get turned on, but the amount I can feel in my genitals is so much less, and it’s quite dramatic.
Charlotte Rose: 26:08 And so, that’s been a really helpful thing to compare, and so I feel like I do end up having really lovely orgasms. I know that’s a long process.
Chris Rose: 26:17 Well, it’s your process.
Charlotte Rose: 26:19 It’s my process, yeah. It’s what I discovered over the years.
Chris Rose: 26:21 This is not a prescription. And in being your process, I want to highlight a few of the strategies you deploy, and then invite other people to find their strategies. So, you have found things like a preparatory shower, movement, dance, self touch, ritualizing it in some way with sensual details. All of these things contribute to a deeper experience of solo pleasure. Is that accurate?
Charlotte Rose: 26:51 Yeah, totally.
Chris Rose: 26:52 And so, for me, I can masturbate watching porn with a Hitachi Magic Wand and have big huge orgasms. No problem. Wonderful. Or I can devote more time, and in that devotion, there are things you discover, and I think that’s one of the points I want to make, is there’s nothing wrong with functional quick masturbation, and that too can be mindful. Like, jerking off to porn, using a vibrator, getting there quickly can be full of mindfulness, and you’re paying attention to sensations, and you’re countering any judgements that come up along the way, so we can honor the role of functional masturbation.
Chris Rose: 27:38 I feel like it’s often like, a sneeze, it just has to happen. But we can also honor the space, and give ourself permission to try other things too, to take this act of masturbation, and be like, you know what, I’m going to spend a little more time this evening. I’m going to devote a little bit more effort and attention into it, and see what opens up for me. Just see what you’re capable of, what your capacity is, what emotions want to be expressed. What does your body want to feel? Because sometimes I feel like masturbation is this time you’re giving to your body to feel what it needs to feel, to move what it needs to move, to express what it wants to express, but we need to open up that space for it. And that space involves these things, like relaxation, movement, stimulation. These ingredients.
Chris Rose: 28:35 So, for someone that might be a yoga class, a walk, then a shower, then masturbation. For someone else, lifting weights, and then masturbating. For someone else, going on a long run. Like, we all have our different ways of moving, we all have our different ways of relaxing, but if we think of this as kind of a template of relaxed transition out of your daily life, move your body a little bit, even if that means just wiggling in bed, and clenching your muscles, and un-clenching, or shaking your hips a little bit. Whatever level of movement is accessible, and joyful and pleasurable. And then, start layering in arousing sensation.
Chris Rose: 29:18 Notice what happens as you explore this template, as you bring your attention and your focus to the art of masturbation. What can you make possible for yourself? And then, start noticing the judgment and the shame that comes up. Because as soon as you say to yourself, I’m going to take more time to masturbate, I’m going to feel more feelings, I’m going to feel more of what my body is capable of, the voices will come. Like, who do you think you are? What do you … like, you think you’re some sex goddess? Like, who’s going to … Like, there’s going to be little judgey annoying voices that come up for you. What are they saying? What limiting factors are they putting on you, and what do you have to say to them?
Chris Rose: 30:01 Like, not today, Satan. Like, what do you respond to, and people, when these voices, when you’re programming tells you this is selfish, it’s hedonistic, it’s a waste of time? You’ll be insatiable, you’ll never be able to be pleased again. If you start using vibrators, you’ll get addicted. Your dick’s too small for you to feel anything anyway, no one’s going to want to ever be with you. Like, what do the judging voices say?
Charlotte Rose: 30:29 Those are so intense to hear out loud, but I know that so many of us say those things to ourselves often, and without even realizing that they are an external voice, they are how we talk to ourselves, and recognizing and seeing what we are communicating to ourself is so important, and then we can decide if we agree or not.
Chris Rose: 30:49 Right. Even the thing of like, dancing alone in your room. We can do that mindfully, so paying attention. What does it feel like to dance? But also, what judgments are coming up about that dancing? When you just do something as simple as put on a song you love, and try to move alone through space.
Charlotte Rose: 31:08 I love to do this with my eyes closed, and really focus just on how it feels, because it’s such a great moment to practice this, because there’s no one to perform for, there’s no one looking at you. You can’t even see yourself. It is literally just about how it feels to move in a way that feels good to you. That is the only intention.
Chris Rose: 31:28 And notice, another theme that we’ll just talk about more in depth on another episode, is this transition from going from sexual performance to being sexual. Huge, and that is a huge, huge intention of the mindful sex practices, of the mindful sex community, is how do we transition from performing sex, doing sex as we think it should be done, what we’re supposed to do? How do we transition from performing sex to being sexual beings on our own terms, in all of our glorious diversity, in all of the seasons of sexuality? How do we be sexual beings, and enjoy that more fully as we get out of the performativity?
Chris Rose: 32:15 All right, so mindful masturbation, I think we’ve covered a lot here. There’s way more to cover. It is in the course. One of the terms for this that I will just plant in your brain space, is medibation. Medibation, and medibation was coined by Annie Sprinkle, another one of our great mentors and friends, and she talked about medibation as the art of masturbating as meditation. And that’s so much about mindful sex, is what happens when we treat sex as a meditation? Something worth paying attention to and focusing on with our full being, and exploring what is there.
Chris Rose: 32:58 What wisdom? What benefits? What states can we open up when we start paying attention more fully to sexuality and during sexual arousal? If you’d like to join us in these practices, come on over to PleasureMechanics.com/Mindful. We have preloaded that with a listener only discount for the course. As always, if you need more financial assistance to make the course happen for you, just drop me an email. We are always happy to work with you. We want these practices to be available to everyone who is ready to experience them, and be in our community. Come on over to PleasureMechanics.com/Mindful to get started. We would love to have you, and if you love this show and want to support what we’re doing, Patreon.com/PleasureMechanics. That’s P-A-T-R-E-O-N, Patreon.com/PleasureMechanics. The URL is in the show notes page, and join us with a sustaining monthly pledge.
Chris Rose: 34:01 I also just want to remind you that when you join the free course at PleasureMechanics.com/Free, you’ll also start getting our weekly newsletter, and this week in the newsletter, we are asking folks to let us know if you want to meet us in Los Angeles.
Charlotte Rose: 34:22 In August of 2019.
Chris Rose: 34:24 So, we have an opportunity to be in Los Angeles in August in 2019, and we discovered that there’s the opportunity to offer you an in person weekend experience. But we need to know if enough folks are interested in this, that we should move forward with planning it. I have been looking at taking over like, a beautiful Hollywood venue, so we can get together, do some mindful sex practices in person. We can guide you in some really wonderful experiential experiences. You can meet each other, and we can share a phenomenal weekend. Are you in to it? Are you interested? Is this something you can make happen? Got to PleasureMechanics.com/Live, L-I-V-E. PleasureMechanics.com/Live, and take the quick survey, and let us know if you are interested and could realistically join us in Los Angeles in August of this year.
Chris Rose: 35:27 And there will be a place to tell us if you can’t make it to Los Angeles, what city would work for you? We are starting to put feelers out and think about offering the in person experiences you are all asking for, and we will start gathering this data finding out where you are, what cities you would like to travel to, to join us for an incredible weekend.
Chris Rose: 35:50 Yeah? Come on over to PleasureMechanics.com/Live, and let us know if you can meet us in Los Angeles, or do we have to come to Australia? I mean, we will. All right. PleasureMechanics.com/Live, let us know if we can meet up with you in person. Yes? Cool.
Charlotte Rose: 36:11 Love it. Love it.
Chris Rose: 36:12 I am Chris.
Charlotte Rose: 36:13 I’m Charlotte.
Chris Rose: 36:14 We are the Pleasure Mechanics.
Charlotte Rose: 36:16 Wishing you a lifetime of pleasure.